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How to Express Your Thoughts Clearly

By Admin | 15 January 2020 |

Being successful at what you do in life requires that you express your thoughts clearly. In the workplace, you may have to communicate your ideas or opinions to colleagues. At home, you have to tell your partner how you are feeling. In social situations, clarity in communication can help avoid many misunderstandings.

Do you struggle to get your ideas across smoothly and clearly? Do you feel that putting ideas into words is a challenge for you? Do you often have the feeling that your listeners misunderstand what you are trying to say?

In this article, you will learn some simple ways to express your thoughts with greater clarity. You will find out what it takes to speak without starting to ramble.

How to Express Your Thoughts Clearly

How to Express Yourself Clearly

Knowing how to express your thought and feelings with clarity is not just good for your career. Learning to communicate clearly helps you feel calmer, be more confident, and influence other people’s thoughts.

Here are the 4 secrets of clear communication.

1. Know your subject well

The first step to expressing your thoughts clearly is to have a firm grasp on your subject. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. Whether Einstein really said that or not, the sentiments are true. To really communicate with clarity, you need to know as much as you can about your subject.

If you need to explain a new idea or process to someone, think it through from start to finish. Break it down into as many bite-size segments as possible. If there is something that you don’t fully understand, learn more about it until you do. Also, try to anticipate any questions your audience may have. So, in your preparation, focus on the ‘whys’ of a matter, not the “whats”.

2. Know what to leave out

When you understand a concept or topic fully, don’t fall into the trap of trying to explain every detail. It is important to sift out the really important ideas from less important ones. Even if it’s just something you find interesting, if it doesn’t contribute to your main idea – leave it out.

When you are explaining new or complex ideas, it is also essential to leave out terminology or words your listeners don’t understand. Sometimes, these are referred to as industry buzzwords.

3. Use metaphors and analogies

When used correctly, analogies and metaphors are great for expressing thoughts clearly. They draw on familiar items to explain complex or new ideas. These types of examples help paint word pictures in your listener’s minds.

Analogies compare two different things that have a similar function. Usually, an analogy starts with something like: “Think of this as…”, or “It is the same as if you…”

A metaphor is similar, but it speaks of one object as though it was the other. For example, “time is money”, “they had to keep their head above water”, or “get up to speed” are all metaphors.

4. Use visual aids

Another way to clearly express your thoughts is to use some visual illustrations or images. If a “picture tells a thousand words”, think of how much you can say in a short space of time with a good visual.

When people hear something and then see a picture of it, the message has an even more powerful effect. Also, drawing or mapping out something for yourself helps you get mental clarity before you have to present your subject.

You can use images, flowcharts, diagrams, or even bullet points. You can present these as a presentation on a screen, a paper handout, on a flipchart in a meeting.

For visual aids to be effective, they also need to be clear and simple. Make sure that the concept of the image and its message is understood in a matter of seconds without additional explanations.

In conclusion

Expressing your thoughts clearly can be a challenge. With the right preparation, some planning, and the use of imagery, you can get your message across with clarity.
