It is true that some people naturally have more confidence than others. Even if you are a person who gives into self-doubt, there are certain habits to learn that can really boost your confidence. Being more self-confident can lead to greater advantages in the workplace, more success, and better relationships.
If you feel that confidence doesn’t come naturally to you, the good news is that you can learn how to be more confident. Developing certain habits can inspire confidence in your abilities, self-worth, and deal with criticism better.
Before looking at the best habits to help you become more confident, it’s important to know what confidence is.
True confidence shouldn’t be confused with arrogance or overestimating your abilities. The dictionary defines confidence as “a feeling of self-assurance where a person recognizes their own qualities or abilities”.
An arrogant person usually acts in such a way that they believe they are better than they actually are. This can lead to the Dunning-Kruger effect where a person lacks the necessary skills and self-awareness to act competently. Usually, people who overestimate their only abilities make bad decisions and come to mistaken conclusions without being aware of it.
The basis for developing confidence lies in knowing what you are good at, recognizing your value, and acting in an appropriate way.
The habits listed below are all ways to help build your self-awareness and develop skills that will boost your feelings of self-confidence.
To help improve your self-confidence, it is important to avoid comparing your achievements or perceived lack of achievements with others.
A 2018 study found that making comparisons with other people often leads to envy and feelings of low self-esteem. In some cases, these feelings can affect behaviour and cause a person to act in a malicious way.
Get into the confidence-boosting habit of not drawing comparisons with your success and someone else’s. We are all running our own race and at our own pace rather than being in a competition to see who is first.
There is a saying: ‘dress to impress’. Paying attention to how you dress can impact on your feelings of confidence. So, dress to impress yourself and your sense of confidence will rise.
This doesn’t mean having to spend a fortune on the latest designer suit. Dressing to impress yourself involves wearing the type of clothes in harmony with how you want people to view you. Making sure the clothes you wear are sending out the right message will inspire confidence in yourself and also affect how others interact with you.
Feelings of confidence are closely connected with self-awareness of the limits of your abilities. This means that there are times when you need to learn how to say ‘no’.
Self-doubters often give in to any request because they don’t feel confident in themselves. Refusing certain tasks because you don’t have the time, ability, or desire to do them empowers you and instils confidence. You also develop self-respect which is another quality that fuels positive feelings of confidence.
Another great habit that inspires confidence in yourself and boosts your physical health is working out regularly.
There are a number of reasons why regular physical exercise is good for your self-confidence. Workouts release a number of endorphins that are connected to your ‘feel good factor’. You leave the gym feeling better and happier than when you entered.
However, staying physically fit also keeps your weight down, improves your health and makes you feel more confident about yourself.
There are all times when we make mistakes, fail to do our best, or have a setback. When this happens, it is important to get into the habit of speaking compassionately to yourself.
Studies have also shown that practicing self-compassion and understanding is better for self-esteem then beating yourself up mentally. Try talking to yourself as you would expect a trusted friend to speak with you. Remind yourself that everyone messes up from time to time and that you’re sure you do better the next time.