Attaining success can be safely considered a universal desire. Right from a tender age, we are taught to strive for excellence in every sphere of our life. Hard work, dedication, and patience are usually touted as the attributes that put one on the path to success and also enable them to climb further up the ladder of success.
Individuals from various fields, who have already reached the pinnacle of success, have written popular books, penning down the habits they cultivated that got them to their destination, and how they developed the fortitude needed to face every obstacle that lined their path.
Apart from tracing out their success map for millions of other hopefuls, there are many successful individuals who also take to the podium at various corporate events and give inspiring speeches. They are popularly known as celebrity speakers or inspirational speakers.
Motivational speakers hail from a wide range of backgrounds like the armed forces, management, technology, sports, and politics. Such rich diversity in their background and experience lends itself to the practical knowledge and advice they give during their speeches.
While there are many attributes that successful people embody, there is one very important aspect they consciously work on to be able to get that next coveted position in their professional or personal life, and that is body language. Ask any individual you perceive to be successful, and they would be quick to agree on how learning to control your body language to emit positive messages can put you one step closer to achieving the kind of success you have always envisioned.
A lot has been said and written about acceptable body language in different cultures and different situations, and how positive body language can build bridges, spark off cordial relationships, not to forget its importance in the corporate world.
Our bodies have a language of their own, expressed through various facial expressions, movements, and poses, which can either send out positive or negative signals. Our body language becomes an integral part of who we are, to the point that we do not even think about it. As it is a series of subconscious actions, body language is relied upon heavily, sometimes more than the vocal language, to judge the true personality and character of a person.
Ask any successful person, and they will all echo this in unison, it is imperative to get your body language down right to be able to communicate effectively and showcase an endearing and powerful personality, which are two important factors in the journey towards success.
Since the emergence of the importance of body language, many popular books have sprung up and websites have been dedicated to teaching people about displaying positive body language. There are also motivational speakers who are hired to teach corporate employees the importance of non-verbal communication in their career.
If you are always giving off a negative impression, thanks to the body language mistakes made inadvertently, you could even sabotage your career. So, if you have your eye on success, be it in your profession, business or relationship, it is essential that you capitalise on this wave of non-verbal communication.
Below are the ten body language secrets that successful people use in their day to day life.
1. Firm Handshakes
2. Good Eye Contact
3. Do Not Look Overly Agreeable
4. Uncross Arms And Legs
5. Lean Into The Conversation
6. Always Maintain A Good Posture
7. Keep Your Palms Up And Open
8. Keep Your Chin Up
9. Mind The Exaggerated Gestures And Fidgeting
10. Smile Is The Best Accessory To Wear
In the corporate world, there are a lot of handshakes involved as it is an accepted way of greeting your superiors, colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders in a formal manner. If your handshake is weak, it signals lack of authority and confidence. On the other hand, if your handshake is too strong, it shows an aggressive attempt at domination. Both are perceived as negative traits if you are looking to be successful. Be it a job or promotion interview, a business venture, meeting new partners, your handshake should be firm, giving off a positive and pleasant vibe about you, yet showing dominance in a subtle manner.
Making eye contact is an extremely important part of body language, both in the corporate realm and personal relationships. Improper eye contact says a lot about the person. Avoiding eye contact immediately sends out a negative sign that the person is hiding something, lacks confidence, or is not interested. These are things you never want to communicate in a business setting. Intense eye contact, which is the other end of the pole, can make the person come off as intrusive, aggressive or dominating.
Sustained eye contact is what you should be aiming for which communicates confidence, strength, and leadership abilities. When you make proper eye contact with the other person, you make that person feel important, increasing their trust and confidence in you.
While it is good to be in agreement with colleagues and superiors, overdoing it will make you look desperate for approval. Desperation does not bode well in a corporate environment. Exaggerated nodding shows you are anxious to please everybody and gain everybody's approval. Also, if you fail to understand something, and still nod heavily, it will be perceived as an attempt to show you agree with or understand something, when in reality you do not.
A successful person is one who can disagree, yet do it confidently and in a professional manner, and also back up their stance with logical reasoning.
Crossed arms and legs while communicating with somebody suggests that you have constructed a physical barrier. This indicates that you are not open to what the other person is saying. When people cross their arms or legs, they are sending out a non-verbal message that they are resistant and unreceptive to what the other person has to say.
This kind of signal is a big no-no if you are looking to be successful. Instead, uncross those arms and legs, and be open with your posture. This will set the tone for a positive conversation, helping you seal that deal with regards to your raise or promotion.
When engaged in a conversation, never look away or turn away from the other person. With that one body language the person conveys a multitude of things, all of which are negative. Turning yourself away, or looking somewhere else when you are in a conversation with a person or even a group of people shows that you are unengaged, uninterested, anxious, not trusting, and full of contempt. Exhibit any of these characteristics in your professional or personal sphere, and the success you have dreamed of will only stay a product of your imagination.
Lean in while interacting with others. This will show that you are interested in and open to what the other person has to say, making you an endearing personality to others. Success is always a team effort. So, if you have an army of people around you who you have managed to put off, thanks to your negative body language, the only way you are going is down.
Nothing screams sloppy and ignorant than somebody who cannot carry themselves physically. Slouching while standing, sitting, or walking shows lack of confidence and authority. Bad posture is not only bad for health, but also for your appearance. When you slouch, it becomes difficult for others to see you as an equal or a superior, making you command less respect among your co-workers and bosses.
Our brains are hard-wired to equate power with the amount of space a person takes up. When you slouch, your form collapses, hence, taking up less space, projecting less power. Successful people and people in power always maintain a straight posture with their shoulders backwards, maximising the amount of space they fill, signalling their position of power.
Hiding your palms on your lap or keeping them closed like clenched fists signals that you have something to hide, or that you are argumentative and defensive. If the other person gets the feeling that you have something to hide, it will make it difficult for them to trust you. Building and gaining the other person's trust is the first step to having an open and positive conversation.
So, when communicating, make sure you incorporate a palms-up position. This way, you are subconsciously opening the door for the other person to place their trust and confidence in you. This positive body language is effective for sales and marketing, and also when you are trying to convince somebody of something.
Walking around with your head down definitely does not send out a positive message, and is not a body language you want to adopt if you are looking to be successful. When your head is down, you communicate submission and lack of confidence in facing others. You cannot expect to be in a position of success or power with a submissive or defeated attitude.
Keeping your chin up at all times shows pride, authority, and confidence. It shows you are secure in who you are and content in yourself. When giving a presentation, making a speech, interviewing for a desired position, talking to a group of people, or interacting with co-workers and bosses, ensure to speak with your chin up.
Many people tend to get distracted while having a conversation, and end up fidgeting with their fingers, playing with their hair, rubbing their palms or face. Fidgeting signals you are anxious, stressed, over-energised, self-conscious, and easily distracted.
If you think using exaggerated gestures will make you come across as confident, you are mistaken. Being flamboyant can be an overkill in a corporate setting, making it hard for people to take you seriously.
These are not the signs you would want to exhibit in a professional environment, if you want people to take you seriously and respect you. Successful people show restraint and controlled gestures, which is indicative of maturity and power.
There is nothing like a pleasant smile to imprint a positive impression about a person. Frowning, scowling, grimacing, rolling the eyes are all negative facial expressions that can put off people around you. It tells people that you are not approachable and their presence is not welcome, which can completely shut off the possibility of any kind of positive and honest communication.
There are many studies that show the benefits of smiling. When you smile, others reciprocate in kind, which in turn reduces stress and spreads good cheer. While a good smile sure is disarming, it can also be perceived as submission, so your smile should mirror those around you. Successful leaders know the power of smile in creating goodwill and showing a confident demeanour.
Successful individuals are not always the smartest or the most educated of the crop. Often times, they are the ones who have mastered the art of the subtle, yet powerful body language that draws people to them as they exude trust and confidence. These non-verbal gestures and postures seem simple and innocuous on the surface, but each of them convey multitudes of messages even before you have uttered a single word. They all have a dramatic effect on how you think, feel, and perform, and more importantly how you are perceived by others.
To be successful, you need to learn how to show strength and security through your non-verbal communication, even if and when the odds are against you. Corporates can hire motivational speakers qualified on speaking about the art of body language and how to be a master at controlling them to pave the way for a better you and be an inspiring success story.
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